Effective Contempt And Enforcement Representation
Last updated on February 26, 2021
What is the power implicit in a divorce decree or parenting order? It is the power of the court to enforce the orders it issues. The court has many tools to back up its orders. It can cite individuals for contempt of a court order. It can order wage garnishment, seizure and auction of property, or jailing of the noncompliant party.
The family lawyers at Sowald Sowald Anderson Hawley & Johnson are familiar with this power. Over the years, they have represented the interests of both sides in these struggles: the side that seeks enforcement and the side that believes enforcement is inappropriate given the circumstances.
To enforce a court order, you must first file a motion stating how the other party has violated the court order. It is important that you have clear documentary evidence and/or credible witnesses to support your claim of contempt. Our lawyers are skilled writers and communicators. We know what kinds of evidence persuade and what kinds weaken your case.
When defending against a claim of contempt, it is also important to have clear documentary evidence and/or witness to support your defense. Significant issues In defending a contempt charge are, whether the other side has complied with the court order; whether you actually had the ability to pay the money or perform the action as ordered; whether there were other circumstances that prevented you from meeting the terms of the order; and, whether you actually in violation of the terms of the court order. Our lawyers are experienced at making sure that the party charging the other with contempt meets the requirements of showing that there was an actual violation of the court order and in presenting the information necessary to successfully defend the contempt charge.
How To Contact Us
Family law conducted respectfully but effectively — talk to the contempt and support enforcement lawyers at Sowald Sowald Anderson Hawley & Johnson of Columbus, Ohio. Contact our attorneys at 380-217-3322.