Addressing Holidays In Your Child Custody Schedule
Last updated on September 28, 2021
Crafting a workable child custody schedule can be challenging. Not only do you have to account for weekdays, weekends and days off school, but you must also address how to handle holidays.
At the family law firm of Sowald Sowald Anderson Hawley & Johnson, our attorneys can help you put into place a custody schedule that works for your needs. We understand the hurdles that can arise with all aspects of custody, including holiday planning. Our goal is to provide clear, upfront guidance to help you avoid headaches and disputes down the road.
Which Holidays Should You Consider?
Holidays are a big deal for children. They’re important times for creating treasured memories and cherished family traditions.
At minimum, your holiday child custody schedule should address who has the children for major holidays such as:
- New Year’s Eve/Day
- Easter (if you celebrate it)
- Memorial Day
- Mother’s Day
- Father’s Day
- Labor Day
- Thanksgiving
- Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanza or other religious holidays
Your visitation schedule should also address other special days that are important to you – for example, the Fourth of July, school breaks, summer vacations, other religious holidays and the children’s birthdays.
Tips For A Successful Parenting Plan With Regard To Holiday Planning
A thoughtful, well-drafted parenting time arrangement can go a long way toward avoiding confusion and conflicts. In the context of holiday child custody, that means:
- Identifying who has the children on which days for which year (typically split odd versus even years)
- Addressing whether any holidays will be spent together with both parents
- Specifying whether holiday time supersedes the regular visitation schedule
- Spelling out the exact time for holiday exchanges
- Placing limits around holiday and birthday gift-giving to avoid inequalities
Above all, a parenting plan should do its best to maximize the enjoyment children will experience with both parents during holidays and other special times.
Discuss Your Holiday Child Custody Questions During A Consultation
For more information about child custody issues – including holiday schedules – please contact our law firm in Columbus, Ohio, at 380-217-3322. Our lawyers focus exclusively on family law. We can help you pursue a visitation arrangement that puts the children first.