How does alimony work in Ohio?

On Behalf of | Dec 6, 2019 | family law |

Alimony or spousal support ensures that both parties can enjoy a comparable standard of living after divorce. The Ohio court considers a variety of factors when determining whether to award alimony to one spouse as part of the divorce agreement.

Explore whether you or your spouse may be eligible for alimony, and learn how to request spousal support in Ohio.

Types of Ohio alimony

Ohio may award either temporary or permanent spousal support. Temporary support helps the lower-earning spouse pursue the job training or education he or she needs to obtain a job that will offer independent financial support and is time-limited based on his or her career goals. Permanent support lasts until one party has a change of circumstances, such as a significant change in income, cohabitation, remarriage or death.

Factors in alimony determination

The court often awards spousal support when one party left the workforce to care for children or otherwise has a limited ability to self-support because of age or illness. Other considerations include:

  • Income lost because of child care and marital responsibilities
  • The tax consequences of spousal support for both parties
  • The length of time the spouse requesting support would need to gain appropriate job training, education and/or experience to become self-supporting
  • The contributions either spouse made to the other’s education and/or career
  • Each party’s property and debts, including marital property and marital debts
  • The education and job experience of each party
  • The standard of living the spouses enjoyed during the marriage
  • Whether either spouse currently cares for minor children
  • The length of the marriage
  • The retirement savings of each spouse
  • Each spouse’s physical and mental health and age
  • Each spouse’s current income and future earning potential

When requesting spousal support, the person must provide proof of these factors. For example, you may supply income statements, details about household expenses and testimony about the support that you provided your spouse while he or she earned an advanced degree.