For some Ohio couples, the choice to divorce does not come easy. For other couples, both parties may agree that divorce is necessary, but they may not be able to agree on the terms of the agreement. And sometimes, there are couples that choose to end their marriages and already agree on what their divorce should look like. In these cases, a dissolution of marriage or uncontested divorce is an option.
Uncontested divorce means exactly what you think it does — there is no contest or remaining disputes between the two partners. This can make the process of ending the marriage very simple, but it is still important to be vigilant and ensure you do not agree to anything that violates your rights. Your future interests are at stake, even in a non-contentious divorce.
What happens in this process?
One of the first questions many people have regarding an uncontested divorce is whether or not they are eligible for this process. This is an attractive option because not only is it simpler, it can also save time, money and a significant amount of stress. Simply wanting to save money and get through the process faster does not necessarily mean this is the right option for you.
When filing for an uncontested divorce, couples must have no remaining disputes between them. This means they have to agree on the terms of their divorce on all issues related to the following:
- Child custody and visitation
- Spousal support and financial issues
- Property division and division of marital debt
When there is nothing left to resolve, a couple can move through the divorce process quite expediently. However, it is in your interests not to agree to just anything simply for the sake of convenience. It is prudent to carefully review everything and think about the future implications of any choices you make.
Other divorce options for you
An uncontested divorce is not the right choice for every couple. However, if there are still issues to resolve, this does not necessarily mean you are destined for a stressful battle in the courtroom. There are other options that allow a couple to address their concerns and come to reasonable conclusions without ever stepping foot in court.
A complete evaluation of your case can help you understand how you can move forward with a choice that will most benefit your future interests. Before you do anything else, you may want to walk with an experienced divorce attorney about your options.